by Tom Campisi | May 9, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
A consortium of pregnancy centers in New Jersey has filed suit against the state for a “misinformed and unwarranted assault” on their credibility. In December of 2022, the New Jersey Attorney General issued a consumer alert, claiming that pregnancy...
by Tom Campisi | May 2, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
The White House recently announced a plan to fund a new national hotline devoted to providing referrals to pregnancy-related healthcare services, including abortions.The hotline, and other government initiatives related to abortion, were discussed when Vice President...
by Ryan Sanders | Apr 27, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
In New York, 59,344 lives were lost to abortion in 2020. That’s the most recent stat we have from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With the culture of death surrounding this great city in the US, there’s a woman fighting for faith, for...
by Tom Campisi | Apr 25, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
Do the Right Thing, a non-profit in Auburn, Washington, recently completed its annual March of Diapers drive, collecting and distributing 347,281 diapers and nearly 65,000 wipes to community organizations, including Care Net of Puget Sound. Do the Right Thing is...
by Tom Campisi | Apr 18, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
Former NFL player Jeff Kemp was one of the keynote speakers when Care Net hosted its second annual Called and Missioned Pro-Life Men’s Summit at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas on March 3-4, 2023. In his message to the assembled men, Kemp, a...
by Ryan Sanders | Apr 14, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
Contraception, a peer-reviewed academic journal just released a new study finding that pro-life pregnancy centers offer better services than abortion clinics. As Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net, points out in this LifeChat, it’s interesting that...