Care Net’s National Hotline
Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) is Care Net’s national hotline that provides immediate pregnancy decision coaching and referrals to women and men at risk for abortion. It provides “emergency care” at a time when the wide availability of the abortion pill has put many more mothers and unborn babies at risk. PDL helps women and men by giving the information and coaching on all of the options available to them, allowing them to make a fully informed decision about their unplanned, unexpected, or unexpectedly complicated pregnancy.
The following FAQ provides details about the purpose of PDL, who it serves, and how it serves them.
To learn more, visit pregnancydecisionline.org.

Who calls PDL?
Callers to PDL are actively seeking information online about how to access an abortion. They are not looking to make an appointment at a pregnancy center, but are typically using search terms such as “how do I get the abortion pill?”, at which time they find a paid advertisement for PDL. Some callers have even taken the abortion pill already and are seeking assistance. Accordingly, approximately 98% of PDL callers are actively seeking or considering an abortion.
Are callers to PDL considering abortion?
98% of callers to PDL are actively considering abortion.
What is the goal for a caller?
While PDL coaches are trained on educating callers on the value of scheduling an appointment at a pregnancy center, PDL coaches also provide compassion, hope and help to each caller by taking time to understand each caller’s unique circumstances. PDL coaches are trained to tailor each client interaction to meet the caller’s needs, whether that’s immediately transferring the caller to a pregnancy center, providing abortion education, explaining the value of an ultrasound, or sharing Christ’s love.
Do callers to PDL receive coaching or options counseling?
Callers to PDL receive options counseling as part of Care Net’s efforts to bring its Pro Abundant Life mission and vision to every single caller. Accordingly, PDL coaches speak to callers about their emotional, relational, and spiritual needs, in addition to working to address their immediate physical needs. This is a distinctive feature of PDL compared to other pro-life call centers.
Who staffs PDL?
PDL staff consists of medical and non-medical coaches. Accordingly, PDL operates under the direction of Care Net’s National Medical Director, Dr. Sandy Christiansen, MD, FACOG. Medical information provided by coaches is derived from reliably-sourced material and reviewed by a team of physicians.
Do callers to PDL receive follow-up communications?
PDL corresponds and checks in multiple times with callers beyond their initial phone call to support them throughout their pregnancy. PDL acknowledges that someone’s call to PDL may be the first step on their journey of choosing life for their unborn child and abundant life for their family. Accordingly, emails, texts, and follow up phone calls are all employed to ensure we are providing ongoing support to callers.
Do callers receive spiritual support or guidance?
Via the holistic option counseling callers receive, PDL puts clients on a path that will lead to not only choosing life for their unborn children, but also an abundant and transformed life through Jesus Christ.
How long are calls to PDL?
Given the comprehensive approach outlined above, the typical call to PDL lasts 10-15 minutes, with some calls being considerably longer depending on the caller’s needs.
How are calls to PDL funded?
PDL uses Google Ads and search engine optimization – funded by Care Net’s donors – to enable abortion-determined women and men to find and call PDL.