The Blog: Stories, News, and Analysis

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Walking Together Through Loss

Walking Together Through Loss

October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month, and I invite you to enter into this conversation with me. I’ve shared some helpful resources for pregnancy center clients or churches ministering to those facing loss. Please be advised that this story contains...

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The Pill and the PDL

The Pill and the PDL

Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade two years ago, an alarming trend emerged on our national hotline, Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL). Women started reaching out to us with abortion pills in hand, anxiously seeking answers. “How do I use them?” “What will happen when I take the pills?” “What should I do if there are complications?” or even worse, “I took the pills and changed my mind. What do I do?” “I’m hemorrhaging and the online place I ordered my pills said if I have to go to the ER to tell them I’m having a miscarriage.” “My baby came out in my toilet!”, “I didn’t know that the fetus would look like a baby!”

Why were these kinds of calls coming in?

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Charlotte Needed a Life Preserver

Charlotte Needed a Life Preserver

Charlotte had recently given birth to a beautiful baby boy when she found out she was pregnant again. Her 6-year-old daughter was already jealous of her two-month-old brother, throwing tantrums and sometimes even trying to hit him. She told Charlotte she didn’t want more siblings. Additionally, Charlotte and her husband were living paycheck to paycheck and didn’t know how they could possibly afford the expense of another baby. Charlotte felt like she was drowning with no one to throw her a life preserver! She thought abortion was the only way out.

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From Death to Life…

From Death to Life…

Thanks to you, the coaches of our national hotline–entirely funded by the generous giving of people like you–have the chance to give scared moms a chance to choose life for their unborn children. For Eve, that chance came when her fear was at its height.

Eve sat on the stiff plastic chair in the abortion clinic lobby. It smelled like cleaning fluid and something sickly sweet. Her muscles tensed as anxiety kicked into high gear. She’d felt this way before. Years ago, she sat in a clinic like this one, going through the same motions before her first abortion. When the wait was over, she walked toward the office and…SNAP!

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