The Blog: Stories, News, and Analysis

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Sanctity of Human Life Month

Sanctity of Human Life Month

It is hard to believe that we are just over a year removed from the Dobbs' decision and the overturning of Roe! We have spent decades speaking up for life and longing for this day, and, at times, I find myself in shock that June 24, 2022, actually happened. We have...

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Harper’s Change of Heart…

Harper’s Change of Heart…

Harper's change of heartHarper* grabbed the happy Jack-o-Lantern bib from the rack, and put it into the cart. She was so excited to be picking out baby clothes!  A few weeks ago it was hard to believe this shopping trip could ever happen.It wasn't her original idea....

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We Only Have 9 Days

We Only Have 9 Days

Few things are more important in our fight against abortion than reaching parents in  the short time between when they find out they are facing an unplanned pregnancy and when they schedule an abortion. According to Care Net's research, that critical period is only 9...

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Do You Remember Skylar?

God's still writing an incredible story of grace that you helped make possible!Reconciliation. What is it exactly? Let's look through the lens of our Heavenly Father.  God reconciled the world to Himself, canceling our debt by sending His Son Jesus to the cross to die...

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