Chair of Planned Parenthood Investigation Visits Care Net
Last week, Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque had the opportunity to welcome Representatives Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Steve Pearce (R-NM) for a tour of their facility.As they walked the halls, Blackburn and Pearce saw first hand where thousands of women and...
Riding the Waves of Cultural Change
We are being challenged to learn a whole new vocabulary: Is she cis-gender or gender fluid? Is "ze" really a pronoun? I was born and raised in New Jersey. Childhood vacations were almost always at the Jersey shore. It was close and my Grandfather had a shore...
How $15 Can Change Your Center
INTRODUCING"¦ CARING FOUNDATIONS!Last year, Care Net surveyed center leaders regarding how satisfied they were with their center's onboarding program. Many leaders told us there was room for improvement. We set out to help by creating on-demand access to training...
Don’t collect statistics, unless… want to understand how to tell your center's story even better.Sometimes statistics seem dull and boring.Volunteers and staff may question why the center wants them to collect specific information. And, if all you do is collect the statistics, ensuring the...
How Ultrasounds Provide Women With Better Reproductive Healthcare
The Atlantic claimed that ultrasounds hurt women. A doctor and a mother explain how ultrasounds empower women to make better reproductive health decisions.Some of the most common pieces of pro-life legislation are laws requiring doctors to at least offer to show the...
Fighting for Life
It's that time of year: a new Congress has been seated, a new President sworn in, and state legislatures are in session. To keep you updated, we've compiled some of the most important activity on life issues.FEDERAL Advocating for pregnancy centers and a pro-abundant...
How Care Net of Albuquerque Earns Referrals – even from Planned Parenthood
From STI tests to mobile service units, the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque has made significant advancements under the leadership of Executive Director Mary LeQuieu. Mary joined the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque in 2000 after praying for an...
Care Net's affiliation standards change rarely and only at the direction of Care Net's Board of Directors. In January, Care Net released an update to the Care Net Pregnancy Center Standards of Affiliation. Effective January 1, 2017, Standard #2 of the Care Net...
3 Free Resources for Sanctity of Human Life Month
January is a month of particular focus on the tens of millions of lives that have been lost since the Roe v. Wade decision, and the lack of support in our culture that leaves so many women and couples justifying abortion as their "solution" to an unplanned pregnancy....
POWERLESS: A Natural Reminder
Next time you are powerless to change the situations in your life remember who is powerfully at work within you! There is nothing more powerful, strengthening, or thrilling than to recognize that God is your refuge in the midst of any storm.Along with millions of...