Care Net’s affiliation standards change rarely and only at the direction of Care Net’s Board of Directors. In January, Care Net released an update to the Care Net Pregnancy Center Standards of Affiliation. 

Effective January 1, 2017, Standard #2 of the Care Net Pregnancy Center Standards of Affiliation will be updated to:

  1.  The governing board of the pregnancy center, according to the voting rules of its organizational bylaws, annually acknowledges and affirms:
  • Care Net’s Statement of Faith
  • Care Net’s Vision and Mission

This update has two basic effects for pregnancy centers already affiliated with Care Net and those wishing to join the Care Net family:

  • The center board of directors must acknowledge and affirm Care Net’s Statement of Faith and Vision and Mission prior to being affiliated and annually thereafter. This is independent of the center’s own mission and vision statements and should typically occur at the last board meeting of the year.
  • The center board of directors may adopt the statement of faith and / or doctrinal statement of its choice and may require employees to adhere to such statement at its discretion. Care Net recommends adoption of its Statement of Faith but does not require this.

The Care Net affiliate family is broad and diverse, yet united by common Standards of Affiliation, including our primary commitment to being effective ambassadors for Jesus Christ (see Standard #1) and to upholding the Commitment of Care and Competence (see Standard #3).

We love working together to share compassion, hope, help, and Christ-centered support with anyone at-risk for experiencing abortion.