Video: What does it mean to be Pro ABUNDANT Life?

What does it mean to be Pro Abundant Life? This video explains why being "Pro Abundant Life" is a life-saving, culture-transforming response to abortion.  If we want to see unborn lives saved, fathers involved, marriages strengthened, and lives transformed by the...

The Doctor Is In: When Does Life Begin?

The Doctor Is In: When Does Life Begin?

When does life begin? From a scientific point of view, the moment of conception is awe-inspiring. It's even accompanied by a dramatic flash of light within the fallopian tube. Dr. William Lile, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, recently described this...

Addressing Abortion in Cases of Rape

Addressing Abortion in Cases of Rape

One of the most difficult questions for pro-life people to answer is, "How can you argue abortion is wrong when a woman has been raped?" I can see why folks get pretty perplexed when they hear this question. I have a wife, nieces, and a sister. I love these women in...

When Everything Seemed Impossible

When Everything Seemed Impossible

You Made Choosing Life Possible for Robyn God is a God of the impossible. The situation Robyn* found herself in made having this baby seem impossible for her. But God had different plans, which is probably common in all our lives. Robyn had an opportunity to trust in...

The Long Journey

The Long Journey

How Mia Came to Christ Because of You! It all started with a single phone call. Your generous support for Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), Care Net's national hotline, opens the door for frightened moms to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ and choose life for their...