by Roland C Warren | Mar 23, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
While the answer to the question posed in this article’s title may be obvious, God helped me see the life issue at an even deeper Biblical level in recent months. Most Christians rightly say – because God is the author of life, He created us in His image...
by Care Net | Feb 6, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
How You Helped One Woman Rediscover Abundant Life in Christ!Grace* grew up in the church. She’d always taken her faith very seriously and wouldn’t even go out with a boy unless he was a Christian. She’d even received a purity ring from her parents...
by Roland C Warren | Jan 31, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
Through abortion, you’re overwhelmed with guilt and there’s trauma and there needs to be healing. I’m upset that many people think that men don’t deserve a voice. So it’s something that I’m passionate about and I want people to...
by Roland C Warren | Dec 12, 2022 | Abundant Life Blog
Earlier this year, Care Net released a national study on men and abortion. We asked 1,000 men who had participated in at least one abortion in their past to share about their experience, how they felt about it, and how different parts of our culture “” such...
by Care Net | Dec 12, 2022 | Abundant Life Blog
And helped her choose life!Another child! A feeling of fear overwhelmed Peyton’s* heart. She was pregnant with their third child. How could she financially and emotionally take care of another child?Peyton and her husband already lived paycheck to paycheck....