Care Net has saved 388,691 lives! Where did we get this number? In 2014, we gathered information from our affiliated pregnancy centers to see what impact Care Net has made in the past six years (2008-2013). Of the women who came in considering abortion, 388,691 chose...
Lily* had a lot of voices in her ears. Not one of them spoke up for the child growing inside of her. When she called our Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), she said her boyfriend had been working hard to convince her to get an abortion. Her education and future were...
ColleenPregnancy Decision LineColleen* had her mind made up. At 19 weeks pregnant, she was determined she would “go ahead and get rid of it.”She called our Pregnancy Decision Line to find out where the closest abortion clinic was and how much it cost....
How your support tranformed grief into joy!When Zuria* contacted Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), she was burdened by guilt.Her son’s father had passed away, and she was in a new relationship. When she found out she was pregnant, she emailed us. She felt...
Care Net operates Pregnancy Decision Line website and real-time call center, which provides caring, confidential, free support to anyone making choices about an unexpected pregnancy. Our pregnancy decision coaches are available through a toll-free phone number or...