by Care Net | Jul 6, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
“God has shown me that He could use my life to further His cause for life. To say to women making a pregnancy decision that ‘God’s got this.'” Cynthia was pregnant for the third time, and again she had an abortion. But this time the story ends...
by Care Net | Jun 29, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
“I’ll never forget that day when I laid across my apartment floor and just cried. I was sad. I was empty. I was lonely and ashamed.”At 28 years old, Anita discovered she was pregnant. Not sure what to do, she went to her physician and Planned...
by Care Net | Jun 22, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
“When I found myself with an unplanned pregnancy, my emotions were of fear, I was scared, ashamed, and felt alone.”Although Cami grew up in a Christian family, she explains that she perceived God as a God who judges, not one who loves. When she found...
by Care Net | Jun 8, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
“Once abortion is legal, then it allows other people to pressure or coerce or force women to have abortions against their will.”As president of The Justice Foundation, Allan Parker has frequently served as legal counsel in cases opposing abortion. He also...
by Care Net | Jun 1, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
“They sent me to an abortion recovery program, which was amazing. I was hesitant and I was angry, but at the end I received God’s healing and His grace.”When Lovette told her mother she was pregnant, her mother dragged her to an abortion clinic...