“Through her redemption and becoming a faith-believing Christian, I got to see those ashes become beauty.” Through his adopted mother, Zach learned the effect of abortion on women. He shares how her life was radically changed through redemption, leading...
“Find someone that you can confide in. Find someone that you can trust. Begin the healing process.” After her father trafficked her, Toni thought her worth came only from serving men. To escape, she moved out with her boyfriend, thinking she was safe. When...
“I did believe in the grace of God, that all my sins are forgiven. But I never addressed the need to forgive myself.” Melinda shares her story of recovery after two abortions during her teen years. Through a recovery program, Melinda studied scriptures...
“Abortion is about money. No one makes any money if they don’t sell abortions. So, of course, they’re not selling life.” In 1973, Carol had an abortion after her husband told her they couldn’t have another child. As a way to deal with her...
“She calls her grandfather ‘g-pa.’ And she loves him so much and he loves her so much.” When Daria worked at a pregnancy resource center, she met Rebekah, a young girl whose father was pushing her to have an abortion. Using the Dear Parent...