Sponsored post from our ministry partners at ECFA.Accountability"”it's a word that engenders strong feelings. The obligation or willingness to accept the responsibility embodied in accountability is embraced by many, misunderstood by some and feared by a few.But how...
6 Steps to a Strategic Plan
What if a Strategic Plan only took six steps?? One Day - One Page - One Plan! This is a different and simple approach for developing a strategic plan that addresses all of those obstacles - and it works!! You can set aside one day, and one page, to develop one plan...
Discerning the Call of New Volunteers
Be careful you are not so desperate for help that you shortcut these four steps to discerning the calling of those willing to help.While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set Barnabas and Saul apart for me to do the work for which I...
Helping Clients Share Pregnancy News with their Partner
How do you, as a pregnancy decision coach, help your client prepare to share pregnancy news with the baby's father or constructively continue a conversation she has already started? Consider a few of these things.Imagine sitting in front of a woman in the coaching...
Pregnancy Decision Coaching–There’s an App for That!
With millennial preferences in mind, Care Net has developed an educational "app" for your client room toolbox. If you are like me, you are not a digital native-- that is, someone who has never lived without modern technology, such as the Internet, computers,...
Research Will Help Respond to Pro-Choice Accusations
Do pregnancy centers make women feel guilty after their abortions? Maria Jose Duran thinks so. In her article for The Establishment, "The Dangers of the Post Abortion Syndrome Myth" Duran wrote, "post-abortion syndrome-- a form of post-traumatic stress marked by...
Hey Mickey – Making Conference Affordable
Oh Mickey, you're so expensive, you're so expensive, you blow my budget, hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!Have you been chanting something along these lines while thinking about whether or not you're going to be able to come to conference this year? I know, I know. The decision...
How Curious Are You? 5 ways to combat stagnation
"We've got it figured out."Her center runs like a well-oiled machine. But I still cringed a little when I heard her statement. Why? because I recognize that tendency in myself. And when I have it figured out, I don't need to be curious anymore.And curiosity is...
Genuinely Pro Life
This Center offers accurate information about all pregnancy options.THIS CENTER DOES NOT OFFER ABORTION SERVICES OR ABORTION REFERRALSAs Care Net affiliates, pregnancy centers in the network make it clear to the client and her community, the exact nature of the...
Planned Parenthood Puts Itself on a Patient Experience Improvement Plan
Soft music will replace TVs, chair configurations will make waiting rooms feel more private, and phone charging stations will make it possible for a client to escape digitally while waiting. An app will function as a digital medical assistant, giving patients risk...