by Heather Creekmore | Dec 23, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Over the next year, 50 Planned Parenthood-run “Health Centers” will open in Los Angeles County. The goal is simple: Help teenagers become sexually active without any parental involvement. Of course, this isn’t the stated goal. According to a Los...
by Heather Creekmore | Dec 19, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Today I listened as my eight-year-old son read the first part of the Christmas story – the part where Mary learns she’s pregnant. This story of the most famous “unplanned pregnancy” in history reads like a heart-warming tale – especially...
by Heather Creekmore | Dec 17, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
December is the month for giving! For those dedicated to promoting abundant life, this is also the time of year when so many ask: What can I do to help? Here are six gifts you can give this Christmas to support the pro-abundant life cause! 1. Prayer As the Bible...
by Care Net | Dec 11, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Hayley* had always believed that abortion was wrong. It hadn’t crossed her mind as an option at all when she was pregnant with her first baby. But when her daughter was four months old and her pregnancy test came up positive again, Hayley was overwhelmed beyond...
by Roland C Warren | Dec 11, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
I often speak about the story of Christ’s birth as the most famous “unplanned” pregnancy in history. But the thing that prevented this pregnancy, which was unplanned from Mary and Joseph’s perspective, from becoming a crisis pregnancy was the...
by Care Net | Dec 11, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Hana* knew the joys of motherhood. She’d experienced the difficulty of labor and the ecstasy of holding a baby for the very first time. Hana had two beautiful children and would do anything for them. She was a single mother and finances were tight, but she was...