You Met Peyton’s Need…

You Met Peyton’s Need…

And helped her choose life!Another child! A feeling of fear overwhelmed Peyton’s* heart. She was pregnant with their third child. How could she financially and emotionally take care of another child?Peyton and her husband already lived paycheck to paycheck....
You helped Maurice Speak Life for His Baby

You helped Maurice Speak Life for His Baby

Even when Shannon didn’t want to hear it!Maurice* threw another rock at the icy lake””hoping it would break through this time. No matter how big the rock was, or how far he threw, all he managed to do was scratch the surface. In a lot of ways, his progress...
Advent Week Three: An Unexpected Pregnancy. . . Unexpected Joy!

Advent Week Two: The Call to Love

“The multitude of your sacrifices”” what are they to me?” says the Lord. “I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls<span class="crossreference"...