by Ardee Coolidge | Feb 15, 2018 | Abundant Life Blog
Lady Parts Justice League recently hosted Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It. The telethon’s purpose was to raise money for the organization’s work to increase abortion rights. The more than 3-hour show was hosted by comedian Sarah Silverman...
by Roland C Warren | Feb 6, 2018 | Abundant Life Blog
Awhile back, I gave a speech about how to be truly great. Below is what I said. “Hello Everyone! I am delighted to be with you. Now, let me start off by asking you a question. How many of you want to do great things? How many of you want to be great? Now, I...
by Roland C Warren | Dec 13, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
At the heart of Care Net’s mission is our desire to save the unborn from the horror of abortion. But right alongside that desire is our calling to transform those we serve through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This calling sets Care Net apart”¦ and therefore...
by Care Net | Dec 13, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
“I mean, God will forgive me if I have an abortion, right?” When Kelsey* called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), her unborn baby was in real danger. But the coach who answered her call was ready for the challenge ahead. Kelsey, she quickly learned, had some...
by Care Net | Dec 13, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Delia* was unmarried and pregnant. She had been in this situation before. The last time she saw the little “plus sign” on her pregnancy test, she chose to have an abortion. This time, she desperately wanted to keep her baby. But her boyfriend had other...