by Care Net | Dec 13, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
“I mean, God will forgive me if I have an abortion, right?” When Kelsey* called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), her unborn baby was in real danger. But the coach who answered her call was ready for the challenge ahead. Kelsey, she quickly learned, had some...
by Roland C Warren | Oct 10, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
As a young father with small children, one of the highlights of my day was the greeting I experienced when I got home from work. Like clockwork, when I would arrive my two sons would drop whatever they were doing and come running, yelling “Daddy!” At...
by Roland C Warren | Oct 3, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Millions of fathers are going to grow old, on the streets or in isolated homes, with no connection to their children and the social safety net they provide. Several years ago, my youngest son and I began a regular practice of packing several backpacks with packaged...
by Care Net | Aug 23, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Kyle* called Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) to get information on abortion after finding out his girlfriend, Connie*, was at the end of her first trimester. Connie had already scheduled an abortion and he had concerns about her health. He also worried she might not be...
by Vincent DiCaro | Aug 8, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
In this episode of CareCast tm, Roland and Vince take on the popular saying “it takes a village to raise a child,” and they explain why we really should stop saying it. As the tragic Charlie Gard case illustrates, if you want to let the village raise your...