by Willie Deutsch | Jun 6, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
This year Gallup released its annual poll on Americans’ views about abortion. With 50% labeling themselves “pro-choice” and 44% “pro-life,” the headline for the poll was “Americans Choose “Pro-Choice” for First Time in...
by Care Net | Jun 1, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
“They sent me to an abortion recovery program, which was amazing. I was hesitant and I was angry, but at the end I received God’s healing and His grace.”When Lovette told her mother she was pregnant, her mother dragged her to an abortion clinic...
by Willie Deutsch | May 30, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
The documentary Blackfish has raised ethical questions about the treatment of whales in captivity at SeaWorld. Following the the release in 2013, PETA has launched multiple ad campaigns talking about the unethical treatment of the whales. There latest shows an...
by Care Net | Apr 30, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
How your support tranformed grief into joy!When Zuria* contacted Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL), she was burdened by guilt.Her son’s father had passed away, and she was in a new relationship. When she found out she was pregnant, she emailed us. She felt...
by Vincent DiCaro | Apr 13, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
What do you do when you are sick and can’t sleep at night? You watch reruns of old TV shows on Netflix, of course.For me, this meant catching a few episodes of the classic Star Trek series on a recent sleepless night. Expecting some nostalgic entertainment that...