Simplify to Amplify: Elevate, Engage, Empower

Simplify to Amplify: Elevate, Engage, Empower

Cutting Through Complexity In the vast and varied landscape of church work, pregnancy center outreach, and Christian service, it’s easy to overcomplicate our objectives. Often, we find ourselves trapped in analysis paralysis, where overthinking leads to inaction. I...

Preach the Word

Preach the Word

I have spent a lot of time thinking about, writing about, and speaking about life and abortion. This is often done in a favorable or agreeable context, but there have been moments where I was told to lay off the hot-button issues. It is usually framed to me like this;...

A Conviction or an Inconvenience

A Conviction or an Inconvenience

My wife and I recently welcomed our fifth child to the family back on January 10th. The birth of a child, especially one of your own, forces one to do some deep thinking. I think about the time I have left and what I want to pass on to the next generation. I find...

Why Do the Unborn Matter?

I do my best thinking on walks. I am not sure what it is about getting outside and taking in some fresh air, but, for me, it always gets my mind firing. During a recent walk I started processing through a question that I have answered, preached on, and discussed for...

Sanctity of Human Life Month

Sanctity of Human Life Month

It is hard to believe that we are just over a year removed from the Dobbs' decision and the overturning of Roe! We have spent decades speaking up for life and longing for this day, and, at times, I find myself in shock that June 24, 2022, actually happened. We have...

God’s Leading: The Best Practice

God’s Leading: The Best Practice

  Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:5-6   "So what brings you here today?" Client Advocate...