There They Go Again: Responding to NARAL’s New Report
Last week, NARAL Pro-Choice America released a new "investigative report" claiming that community-based pregnancy centers are "dangerous." Unsurprisingly, pro-choice advocacy media are trumpeting their claims without question or verification.This report rehashes...
Just for Her – Sharables – Part 2
To celebrate our 40th anniversary, Care Net has created a series of sharable images, perfect for pregnancy center use on client-focused social media. Check out the first four in Just for Her Sharables - Part 1. These images, designed with millennial women in mind,...
Senator Reid should ask: What do human trafficking victims really need?
Congress is currently debating the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. This bill would not only crack down on human traffickers, but also recnogize women as victims of a crime and not criminals themselves. Victims would be eligible to receive restitution through...
3 Reasons Monica Henderson is an Effective Executive
Guest Post by Terry WilliamsFEARLESS. INNOVATIVE. RELATIONAL.These words come to mind when having a conversation with Monica Henderson, Executive Director of A Woman's Choice, a Care Net affiliate in Louisville Kentucky.FEARLESS. Monica is fearless! Married to her...
Meet NARAL Pro-Choice America’s New Fundraising Target
Meet brochoice Joe. He's any guy out there who loves women and supports their right to bodily autonomy. Just ask NARAL Pro-Choice America. His morning drink of choice just might be the "Hangover Recovery Shot." For him, responsibility is paying for half the cost of an...
Just for Her – Sharables – Part 1
To celebrate our 40th anniversary, Care Net has created a series of sharable images, perfect for pregnancy center use on client-focused social media. These images, designed with millennial women in mind, coordinate with Care Net's best-selling options education...
Help Your Local Pregnancy Centers Receive Free Bibles
Did you know that Tyndale House Publishers has made it possible for Care Net to partner with Christian bookstores to provide pregnancy centers with Beautiful Everyday Bibles for the fifth year in a row? This partnership was initiated to benefit pregnancy centers - for...
How to Go From Burnout to a Second Wind
Guest Post by Susanne MaynesRemember when it all began? Remember when the Lord called you to be a voice for the voiceless? His concern for the least of these filled your heart. So you rolled up your sleeves and invested yourself deeply and wholeheartedly into pro-life...
Why Ultrasounds Matter for Women Planning Abortion
A January 2014 study out of University of California, San Francisco analyzed records from over 15,000 women seeking abortion from Planned Parenthood clinics in Los Angeles. Researchers sought to gauge the impact of viewing an ultrasound before the procedure on the...
What’s Dad Got To Do with It?
Since most clients are women, new pregnancy center staff or volunteers might sometimes wonder: What's dad got to do with it?Men are frequently ignored in the cultural conversation about pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and parenting. Yet the thoughts of the baby's...