Fundraising Strategy: Planned Giving
"Have you put [ABC Pregnancy Center] as a beneficiary in your will yet?" It doesn't take a fundraising genius to realize that this isn't the best opening line when talking with a donor. But it does bring up the importance of a topic that is often neglected or...
The Care Net “Bookstore” is Now CareSource tm
The store.The bookstore.The resource center.The online bookstore.The online resource center.That place where I get Care Net stuff.These are probably all names you have used to refer to Care Net's store, where you are able to purchase resources like Before You Decide...
God’s Promise to the Weary: I Will Give You Rest
What if you're exhausted and rest feels more like a fantasy than a promise?If you're in a place of unrest, of exhaustion or fatigue, I give you permission to close your door right now, grab your favorite mug of coffee or tea, put the phone on "Do not disturb" for a...
Facing Fear: “Will You Hold My Hand?”
Not too long ago I took an evening flight to Dallas, ending up in the dreaded middle seat on a crowded airplane. Flanked by two college-aged women, each plugged into their technology, I decided to join them and listen to an audio book on my iPhone. Relaxing and...
How Your Nonprofit Can Design like a Pro for FREE!
Do you ever find yourself wishing you had more money in your center to be able to hire an amazing graphic designer so that all of your materials and graphics could have the same branding? Do you secretly know that clip art died well before Princess Diana, but you feel...
Care Net Centers Save Communities Over $56 Million a Year
Every year Care Net releases an impact report detailing the services provided over the course of the year. This year, Care Net's statistician compiled the economic value of those free services.In 2014, Care Net pregnancy centers served 348,402 women and men and...
3 Reasons Saying “Thank You” is Powerful
Guest Post by Melinda ClarkMost preschoolers have already experienced the reality that saying "thank you" is an essential step to getting what they want. Yet somewhere between preschool and a corporate leadership role, many of us seem to forget how important it truly...
Getting Real About Adoption: Why Honest Stories Matter
Editor's note: November is Adoption Awareness MonthGuest Post by Thea RamirezI wore sunglasses that day in November --big, brown, Jackie-O shades. It was just a few weeks from my own due date, when I sat in a hospital room with a woman who chose to make an adoption...
On our Screens in Late October 2015
A little taste of what we've been reading & watching... Millennials Aren't Who You Think They AreShared by Cindy Hopkins Understanding this generation will help us better understand what our clients are conforming and reacting to. They curate, they consume and...
5 Steps to Win a Grant for Your Pregnancy Center
Grant writing and strategy is more of a science than an art. Here are some tips to help your center be more effective at identifying the right grant makers to approach for funding. Strategic Steps for Grant Writing 1....