

Sponsored post from our ministry partners at ECFA.Accountability””it’s a word that engenders strong feelings. The obligation or willingness to accept the responsibility embodied in accountability is embraced by many, misunderstood by some and feared by a...
6 Steps to a Strategic Plan

6 Steps to a Strategic Plan

What if a Strategic Plan only took six steps??  One Day – One Page – One Plan!  This is a different and simple approach for developing a strategic plan that addresses all of those obstacles – and it works!! You can set aside one day, and one page, to...
Discerning the Call of New Volunteers

Discerning the Call of New Volunteers

Be careful you are not so desperate for help that you shortcut these four steps to discerning the calling of those willing to help.While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set Barnabas and Saul apart for me to do the work for which...