Called & Missioned

Called & Missioned

  This March, Care Net held the first-ever pro-life men’s conference. I’ll admit, when God first gave me this idea, I was a bit nervous. After all, there are reasons that no one’s ever tried to do it before! But I realized none of those reasons were...
Care Net TV: Miami Valley Women’s Center

Care Net TV: Miami Valley Women’s Center

On this episode of Care Net TV, we celebrate with the Miami Valley Women’s Center as they commemorate 40 years of ministry! Roland and Executive Director Sheri Lawson discuss the work Miami Valley Women’s Center has done over the past 40 years and how...

Conceiving A New Hope

May the 4th be with you! Whether or not you’re a Star Wars nerd like several of us here at Care Net, I’d like to take this special day to share about a vital and under appreciated Star Wars scene that has impacted the way I serve those most vulnerable to...
Care Net TV: Save-a-Life Vestavia

Care Net TV: Save-a-Life Vestavia

On this episode of Care Net TV, Roland talks with Lisa Hogan, Executive Director of Sav-a-Life Vestavia in Birmingham, AL. Lisa shares how Sav-a-Life has served its community for over 40 years and recently merged with another local pregnancy center to effectively...
You Surrounded Carolina with God’s Love…

You Surrounded Carolina with God’s Love…

…and helped her choose life!Carolina* knew the joys of motherhood very well. The wonder of bringing a baby into the world. The excitement of seeing that child grow and learn, his eyes full of light and exploration. The weight of responsibility that comes with...