by Tom Campisi | Nov 1, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
A recent episode of The Morning Show on Apple TV took aim at the legitimacy of pregnancy centers. Jennifer Aniston, the star of the series, is an outspoken critic of pro-life legislation. In 2019, while filming Murder Mystery, she supported the stance of Netflix,...
by Ryan Sanders | Oct 26, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
Why do women want abortions to begin with? “If we can change hearts and minds related to that, even if abortion is legal, it’s unthinkable.”, says Roland Warren, President and CEO of Care Net on the latest CareCast episode. Welcome to the newest...
by Roland C Warren | Oct 25, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
In the newest LifeChat video series, we explore a striking link between slavery and abortion. We draw parallels between the Dred Scott ruling and a recent Montana Ballot Initiative, revealing the critical question of personhood. Jamelle Bouie’s New York Times...
by Tom Campisi | Oct 24, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer recently launched a brazen attack on pregnancy centers on a state level and is a proponent of legislation designed to handcuff the organizations on a national level. On October 6, Rep. Gottheimer held a press conference in front...
by Ryan Sanders | Oct 20, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
This is a special episode of CareCast, Care Net’s podcast on family, faith, and life, with Roland Warren, Care Net’s President and CEO. This special episode of CareCast was recorded live at Care Net’s 2023 National Conference in Mobile, Alabama. One...
by Tom Campisi | Oct 18, 2023 | Abundant Life Blog
In a celebratory press conference, New York Mayor Eric Adams””flanked by pro-choice government officials, medical professionals, and Planned Parenthood””announced the city’s plan to make abortion available through its telehealth service. Adams is...