by Care Net | Feb 27, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
If you had met Destiny before her call to Pregnancy Decision Line, she would have told you she was a Christian. She tried to do what was right, to live a good life. And, from the outside, everything looked fine. What you couldn’t see was her inner turmoil as she...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 26, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
I watched as more than 100 white-suit wearing women in Congress stayed seated in disgust as Donald Trump boldly spoke these words during his State of the Union address: Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life, and let us reaffirm a...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 21, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Powerful stories from adults who survived late term abortions flooded social media feeds this week. They asked the question: Who was protecting me from suffering the unthinkable as an infant? Where were my rights? Meanwhile, a Mumbai business executive named Raphael...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 19, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
“Please, mom. There’s no blood or bad words. It’s a game designed for kids. Can I get Fortnite? Please? A lot of people at church play it. It’s really about building forts and stuff.” My eleven-year-old son begged. No blood? No bad...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 14, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
When I was fourteen years old I learned to type. This fact pleased my father immensely because he needed some help. For years he’d been handwriting his letters to then-Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania asking him to vote pro-life. (Sadly, despite my...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 12, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
What if those of us leading the pro abundant life movement made our word for the year: Joy? Though we are already in February, I don’t think it’s too late to adopt a spirit of joy! No matter what you’re carrying””be it struggles in your family...