Restoring Roe v. Wade as the law of the land is one of the top priorities of the Democratic Party leading up to the presidential election this fall.

At the recent Democratic National Convention in Chicago, that restoration embodied an extremely radical, morbid, and even carnival-like atmosphere: Americans for Contraception displayed an 18-foot-tall inflatable intrauterine device (IUD) near the United Center; Planned Parenthood offered free chemical abortions and vasectomies at a nearby mobile clinic; and a group of women dressed in white abortion pill costumes marched down the street chanting, “___ the courts, ___ the state, you can’t make us procreate!”

“The fight for reproductive rights is a fight for the soul of our nation,” said Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for President of the United States.

Outside the convention, pro-life groups, including Americans United for Life, countered Planned Parenthood’s mobile clinics by offering free ultrasounds and access to abortion pill reversal medication. John Mize, CEO of Americans United for Life, told Fox News Digital that Planned Parenthood was trivializing unplanned pregnancy and abortion.

“This is a very complicated, very complex decision that these women are making, and, unfortunately, it’s a carnival,” he said. “They have blow-ups. They have food trucks. It’s a bit of a show, unfortunately, and it diminishes the severity and significance of vulnerable women.”

Sadly, Planned Parenthood performed 25 abortions during the first two days of the convention, according to the New York Post. The article also noted that a taco truck was nearby, as well as a stand run by the Chicago Abortion Fund, “which offered patients goodie bags filled with face masks, candy, painkillers and cards of affirmation.”

Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life (NRTL), said it was “disgusting” to see Planned Parenthood offering chemical abortions at the Democratic National Convention.

“Each chemical abortion ends the life of an unborn child and puts her mother’s life at risk,” she said. “Even the Food and Drug Administration admits that these drugs will fail or lead to complications for a number of women… Planned Parenthood’s priority is abortion—anytime, anywhere, and for any reason—regardless of the lives lost.”

Tobias and NRTL said the Harris-Walz Administration represented the most pro-abortion party platform ever assembled.

“Planned Parenthood’s presence at the Democratic National Convention isn’t surprising. The Democratic Party’s fanatical support of unlimited abortion is a core part of their agenda and killing babies and endangering women’s lives is crucial to the party’s identity.”

Roland Warren, president and CEO of Care Net, said, “The activity at the DNC is a clear signal that the pro-choice movement has moved far past its old mantra of ‘safe, legal, and rare.’ Their new slogan appears to be, ‘abortion is good – the more the better.’”

On his daily podcast, The Briefing, Dr. Albert Mohler said the Democratic Party “is becoming one giant parable of abortion and sterility” in regards to the abortion antics at the convention.

“It’s as if some kind of comedy writer wrote this up. Only, this isn’t a comedy script. This is the 2024 Democratic National Convention,” said Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. “And at the end of the day, let’s face it, the worldview consequences are massive. And this isn’t a comedy, it’s a tragedy.”