Care Net & Pregnancy Centers
Pregnancy Centers are local, nonprofit organizations that provide compassionate support to women and men faced with difficult pregnancy decisions. Care Net partners with independent pregnancy centers and provides them with the resources they need to serve their local communities. Care Net helps equip affiliated pregnancy centers, reaching women and men navigating the unique challenges surrounding an unplanned pregnancy.
More than 1,200 Care Net affiliated Pregnancy Centers in North America. Find a local pregnancy center near you!
Caring Services
Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers operate according to the highest standards of care and integrity. They adhere to the standards of care outlined in Care Net’s Commitment of Care and Competence, making them a safe, non-judgmental place to explore pregnancy options.
Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers may differ in what they offer to their clients. It is best to research individual locations in advance to ensure that the services you need are covered in your area.
What services do local Care Net centers provided?
Each pregnancy center is a unique non-profit organization and will offer services tailored to the needs of their local community. While all pregnancy centers will offer pregnancy decision coaching and material resources, the scope of what a center will offer may vary according to each location.
Services may include:
- Pregnancy decision coaching by trained advocates
- Free pregnancy tests
- Information about pregnancy options
- Material resources
- Fatherhood training and family educational resources
- Post-decision support (including parenting education and abortion
recovery groups)
What about medical services?
Not all Care Net pregnancy centers offer the medical services listed below. Check with your local center to see what services they provide.
Medical services may include:
- Consultation with a licensed medical professional
- Limited ultrasound for pregnancy confirmation
- Testing for sexually transmitted infections and diseases
What about privacy?
At Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers, personal and health information is treated highly confidentially. Protecting client’s privacy is a very important value for Care Net pregnancy centers. Except in rare cases where information must be shared in compliance with state law for the protection of an endangered child, or to protect the client or others from physical harm, client information is held in the strictest confidence. Care Net also provides centers with detailed best practices for protecting client’s personal information.

Need immediate support with a pregnancy decision?
We’re available to talk M-F 10am – 6pm EST.