You can help parents choose life!
Today, approximately 2,500 unborn children are expected to lose their lives to abortion. Their moms and dads face a culture that insists that unborn children are worth sacrificing, but you can transform their situation.
When you make a gift to Care Net, you will reach these parents with the life-saving, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Since 2008, pro-life people like you ministered to more than 3 million parents and saved the lives of more than 1 million unborn children through the work of Care Net! Isn’t that incredible?
To make a gift online, please use the secure link below:
Stock and Other Giving
Gifts of Stock or Mutual Funds
Take advantage of appreciated securities while avoiding capital gains tax by making a donation of your assets. To donate stock, follow these three steps:
1. Enter your email in the form below to receive an email from us with the brokerage information you need to make your stock gift. If you do not receive an email within 5 minutes, please email Tom Patras, Vice President of Ministry Partnerships at tpatras@care-net.org or call 703-554-8742.
2. Contact your broker and provide the information that we emailed to you to make the gift.
3. Fill out this brief Stock Transfer Intention Form so we can correctly identify your stock gift when it arrives and attribute it to your donor record.
To learn more about the benefits of giving stock, visit https://carenet.
Care Net Donor Relations
Care Net’s Donor Relations department is available to take your phone call Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm ET. Our toll-free number is 800-518-7909. Please contact us at this number to make a donation using your credit or debit card, make changes to your address, or any other questions you might have regarding giving to Care Net.
Mail Your Donation
Care Net accepts mailed donations at three mailing addresses:
Gift Processing Center
PO Box 758530
Topeka, KS 66675-8530
Gift Processing Center
PO Box 758624
Topeka, KS 66675-8530
Care Net
44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200
Lansdowne, VA 20176
Planned Giving
Monthly Giving
Last year, the monthly gifts of pro-life people like you saved 70,000 babies by supporting Care Net’s four strategic responses to abortion every day.
By giving as little as $1 day, you will ensure that there’s always a coach ready to take the call from a parent considering abortion. That our 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers are equipped to serve their communities. That churches can become places of hope and healing for those facing unplanned pregnancies. Your monthly gift will make it possible for people to enroll in our free online courses and learn how to make abortion unthinkable.
To establish a monthly gift and save babies 365 days a year, please visit our Monthly Giving Page, or contact our Donor Relations Department at 800-518-7909.
IRA Gifts
This free resource helps you to learn more about your potential savings, access the necessary paperwork for your custodian, and get started on this powerful gift.
Legends for Life
Ready to get started? Visit our Planned Giving page to learn about your options.
Employee Giving
Federal and State Employee Workplace Giving
Care Net also participates in many state employee workplace giving programs.