by Ardee Coolidge | May 31, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
In a back room somewhere in the 80’s, Francis Schaeffer and Jerry Falwell got together and created the pro-life movement. Rather than choice and freedom, they argued for misogyny in the name of religion. The result is years of divisive political rhetoric and...
by Ardee Coolidge | May 24, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
“What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be human? I cannot help but suspect that at one time in the history of thinking that people believed that it meant that we were spiritual and that we could make choices and were capable of aspiring to higher...
by Roland C. Warren and Vincent DiCaro | May 19, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
In this podcast, Roland Warren and Vincent DiCaro discuss the important difference between dehumanization and subhumanization, and what Seinfeld can teach us about marriage. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe now and stay up to date!CareCastTM...
by Ardee Coolidge | May 17, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
Anyone who has read much about abortion in the news, or commented on an abortion discussion on Facebook or Twitter, has likely encountered three myths in one form or another. Sadly, blog comments or Facebook debates rarely elevate the discussion. Instead, emotion...
by Ardee Coolidge | Apr 19, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
Is modesty the same as shame? Is choosing to only share your most intimate physical features with the one you love a sign that you do not love yourself? Does autonomy trump human dignity? These questions came to my mind as I was reading about the Twitter uproar over...