by Ardee Coolidge | Apr 13, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Despite the fears of pro-choice activists and the hopes of pro-life supporters, Justice Gorsuch won’t change abortion. Last Friday was a day for the history books. The senate approved President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee after a contentious...
by Ardee Coolidge | Jan 10, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
President Obama’s legacy teaches us that knowing when human rights begin should not be above the President’s pay grade. Imagine for a moment that you are helping your friend move. You arrive and there are piles of boxes ready to be loaded onto the truck....
by Roland C. Warren and Vincent DiCaro | Jan 3, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
In the year’s first CareCast tm, Roland and Vince discuss how to effectively talk about abortion with pro-choice people, what financial abortions are and why the matter, and they clarify what the Pro Abundant Life Message means for the pro-life...
by Ardee Coolidge | Oct 18, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
Aborting a child and aborting a relationship are both choices based on the same mental calculation.Bill gets home from work and sees that his neighbor, Frank, has added to his yard’s décor a large campaign sign for a candidate who defends abortion.”How...
by Roland C Warren | Aug 25, 2016 | Abundant Life Blog
Are pro Abundant Life people really just pro-fetus? Roland Warren explains the truth about this myth and why pro-choice people have an obligation to equip and support women who choose life....