by Vincent DiCaro | Jul 1, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Have you ever thought that there’s got to be more you can do to move the cause of life forward? You may have participated in a march, cast your vote for a pro-life candidate, signed a petition, and written to your Congressional representative”¦ but you...
by Ardee Coolidge | May 11, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Does Care Net’s mission to offer compassion, hope, and help to women facing unplanned pregnancies regardless of lifestyle neuter the Gospel’s call to repentance? In a country where the word “abortion” often brings to mind raucous debates,...
by Roland C Warren | Apr 13, 2017 | Churches Blog
As one who is against abortion, I often have difficulty understanding why someone would make the decision to end a baby’s life. The realities of what science reveals about life are on our side. For example, at conception, a unique individual comes into...
by Randy Hardman | Apr 11, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
Drinklings wants to change the conversation about abortion one cup at a time. Have you ever really thought about how much we take coffee for granted in our society? In the U.S. alone, estimates suggest that over 400 million cups of coffee are consumed every day and...
by Andrew Wood | Feb 3, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
We care so much about the men, women, and unborn babies in our community that we are willing to remove any barrier to them finding proper care. This past week, some of the HOPE team joined hundreds of thousands in Washington DC for the 44th annual March for Life. We...