by Care Net | Dec 11, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
Cici was tired of other people commenting on her life, gossiping about her decisions, and refusing to help her when she needed it. The hypocrisy and heartlessness of people filled her with fear and uncertainty. Her finances, already tight, were only going to be...
by Care Net | Oct 16, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
The father of Shawna’s child sat beside her as she called the Pregnancy Decision Line. She wanted information on how to get an abortion. “I’m grown up,” she said flatly.Her support system, however, could not meet her needs. The only person she...
by Care Net | Oct 9, 2015 | Abundant Life Blog
Carolina found out she was pregnant by a man who was not her husband. She already had two children, and a third child seemed like a burden. Her husband was not living in the area at the time, so he would know that Carolina had been with someone other than him. Support...
by Care Net | Jun 24, 2015 | Center Insights Blog
Guest Post by Gary J. FreemanListen. Connect. Get personal. Challenge. Encourage.Peer counseling and mentoring provide private space for honest and intimate conversations between men. When coaching men regarding thoughts and feelings about their partner’s...
by Care Net | Jun 1, 2015 | Center Insights Blog
Guest post by Susanne MaynesWe often speak of being a “voice for the voiceless” in local pregnancy centers. We may think of speaking up for a child yet unborn; yet, sometimes it’s our clients who have lost their voice.Tweet this: Don’t you love...