Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

  In 2019, members of Church for the City approached the Pastor and church leadership team with a request to establish a prolife ministry. “We wanted to take a stand for life and put our commitment to the sanctity of life into action within our church and...
5 Tips on Building a Strong Team

5 Tips on Building a Strong Team

When I first started out in ministry, I was convinced that I had to know everything, do everything, and fix everything on my own. I mean, isn’t that what it means to be the leader? Thankfully, through wise mentors and various circumstances I quickly learned that...
Why Teams? Top 10 Benefits

Why Teams? Top 10 Benefits

“People collaborate precisely because they don’t know how to””or can’t””deal effectively with the challenges that face them as individuals.”-  Etienne Wenger in Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity(1998) As...