by Roland C Warren | Nov 18, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
At the 2021 Care Net National Conference, Steve Arterburn spoke to Conference attendees about what a blessing it is to be called by God to protect the wonder and value of human life. After his keynote speech, Steve sat down with Care Net president and CEO Roland...
by Heather Creekmore | Oct 28, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
“I am often asked what would be the campaigns Wilberforce would be fighting if he were alive”¦at the top of the list would be the issue of abortion.” This quote from Gerard Wilberforce, the great, great grandson of William Wilberforce, the renowned...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 24, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
On February 18, 2021 history was made. After an almost seven-month journey, NASA’s Rover named Perseverance touched down on the surface of a far away planet many believed we’d never touch. Scientists will now use complex devices to examine the soil and...
by Roland C Warren | Feb 19, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
Are you pro-life? Have you ever been accused of only caring about babies before they’re born? In just 9 minutes, you can learn how to answer this unfair accusation AND better explain the pro-life position by sharing the truth with compassion. Watch the video...
by Heather Creekmore | Feb 9, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
Our word for the year at Care Net is love! We believe that love, God’s love, is the only thing that can truly transform hearts, minds, and our world. To promote life well, we must also promote love well. But what is love? That question has been posed in music...