by Mamie Edmonston | May 25, 2018 | Churches Blog
If you’ve read this blog before, you have probably heard of Making Life Disciples, Care Net’s curriculum for equipping the Church to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men considering abortion. At Care Net, we believe that...
by Josh Holler | Apr 20, 2018 | Churches Blog
I want to bring to your attention an effort that I believe will not only reinforce your efforts in walking through Making Life Disciples, but enhance, sharpen and add necessary longevity to them. This effort comes by starting what we call at Churches for Life, a Life...
by Amy Scherschligt | Apr 6, 2018 | Churches Blog
I’ll never forget the year 2016. It’s the year God equipped our Life Team at Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church in Sacramento, CA for the ministry we’d been passionate about since 2011. He blessed us with ministry leadership training from Churches for...