Each month throughout 2021, we’ve featured a different person who lived out the scripture’s command to love one another. Today, we’re featuring the reason for this love. Jesus is not only love incarnate, he is the only reason we can attempt to love...
There I was, all bundled up for the 30-degree temperatures, arms full of bags to take into the office. In my hand I held a large iced coffee, fresh from Panera. My day was busy but starting the right way. Then, to my horror, I dropped the coffee and watched as the...
In a recent interview on BBC, Melissa Ohden shared her story of how her life was meant to be ended shortly after it had begun. Her mother had a saline abortion, meant to end Melissa’s life in the womb so she could be delivered stillborn. But she survived. A...
How one lives and dies, what and who one values, and what one believes is dependent upon how one answers this question. Before Jesus was handed over to be crucified, John 18:37-38 records an interesting conversation about truth he had with Pontius Pilate....
Determining when human life begins is a fundamental part of the abortion debate. In today’s Life Chat, Care Net president and CEO Roland C. Warren explains why Christians can be certain that it begins at conception. “To deny this fact is to deny...