by Roland C Warren | Nov 5, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
The pro-choice Guttmacher Institute recently announced that the abortion rate is the lowest it has been since Roe v. Wade. Care Net President and CEO Roland C. Warren tells you what you need to know about the historic decline in abortion and what it means for the...
by Care Net | Sep 20, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
The pro-choice Guttmacher Institute just released its most recent report on abortions in the United States. The number of U.S. abortions declined by 7%, from 926,602 abortions in 2014 to 862,320 in 2017. The abortion rate dropped from 14.6 per 1,000 women (ages 15 to...
by Ardee Coolidge | Jan 19, 2017 | Abundant Life Blog
How Congress can ignore special interest groups and bring America’s abortion laws in line with the rest of the developed world. America’s form of government, which relies on popularly elected representatives who gather together to debate and enact...