Wonderfully Made

Wonderfully Made

  In 2019, members of Church for the City approached the Pastor and church leadership team with a request to establish a prolife ministry. “We wanted to take a stand for life and put our commitment to the sanctity of life into action within our church and...
How to Kick-start Your MLD Group During a Pandemic

How to Kick-start Your MLD Group During a Pandemic

  Covid-19 may have disrupted our ability to gather together in person, but the obstacle has an upside: it is forcing many people to connect virtually. And virtual connections are working in some amazing ways, particularly in spiritual arenas. Because of platforms...
The Fruit of Life

The Fruit of Life

  The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.  Proverbs 11:30 He already had twelve DUI’s and been locked up in jail more times than he cared to remember over the past thirty-five years. But no amount of alcohol or sessions with...