If Mary were having her child today, what would Planned Parenthood suggest she do?How the Grinch Stole Christmas has become a holiday classic. Dr. Seuss’ tale of the green meanie whose heart was “two sizes too small” has captivated young and old...
Pediatrician and author Dr. Meg Meeker answers this question and shares what fathers can do to unlock their potential to solve many of our nation’s problems. In this episode, you will hear an interview with Roland Warren and Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician and...
How would the world’s most well-known story, the source of countless millions of songs and little wooden figurines have changed if Joseph had not been present? A sixteen-year-old girl in a nondescript Middle Eastern village is months from her wedding day. She is...
In our latest Life Chat, Care Net president and CEO Roland Warren explains the findings of the new “Truth About Crisis Pregnancy Centers Report” and what they reveal about the inner workings of the nation’s pregnancy centers.
Nick* said that he needed information on abortion. The PDL coach asked some gently probing questions and discovered the passionate heart of a father.86% of the callers who reached out to our Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) in the last year were women. It’s not...