Lena Dunham, JJ Abrams, and Meryl Streep create documentary film about Planned Parenthood’s first 100 years of history. How would you describe eugenics? Well if you are Hollywood stars defending the nation’s largest abortion provider, you may use the word...
Sunday is the 44th anniversary of the landmark decision that legalized abortion: Roe v. Wade. Since the verdict was handed down, millions of mothers’ and children’s lives have been lost to the scourge of abortion.We would be honored if you would join us in...
In this exclusive interview, Roland Warren sits down with Oklahoma Senator James Lankford to discuss the Pro Abundant Life Congressional Agenda. Senator Lankford reminds us that the fight for unborn lives does not end when Planned Parenthood is defunded and shares how...
Why Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s advice in the midst of the financial crisis should apply to the Planned Parenthood situation… The following post was originally published in The Detroit News last summer. As the newly elected Congress begins...
Will you step up for the glory of God and the good of God’s people? They need you, pastor. I am a firm believer that pastors are biblically called to address the issue of the sanctity of life and abortion from the pulpit in our current culture. As we prepare...