Care Net History

A Pro Abundant 

Life Ministry



Established 1975

Care Net was founded in 1975 as the Christian Action Council by the renowned Dr. Harold O. J. Brown. Care Net’s beginnings were influenced by former U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop and Christian scholar, Dr. Francis Schaeffer.

From its earliest days, Care Net has sought to engage faithful men and women in promoting life-affirming decisions. That engagement has taken many forms.

In the 1980s, the organization’s mission crystallized into establishing pregnancy centers and equipping them to empower women to make life-affirming decisions in response to unplanned pregnancies. The organization subsequently adopted the name “Care Net.”

Still Saving Lives Today

Today, Care Net is an expansive network, advocating for 1,200 independent, affiliated pregnancy centers across North America, as well as operating Pregnancy Decision Line, and forming a growing network of churches engaged in pro-life ministry.
Care Net works to end abortion not primarily through political action, but by building a culture where women and men receive all the support they need to welcome their children into the world, form strong families, and create their own success stories. We call this approach to abortion the Pro Abundant Life Movement. As Pro Abundant Life people, discipleship, marriage, and fatherhood are central to our approach to transform lives, build strong families, and save unborn babies from abortion. We also work to make abortion unthinkable by educating and equipping the public to turn their pro-life passion into Pro Abundant Life action.

By empowering women and men to make courageous, life-affirming choices, Care Net, our affiliated pregnancy centers, our Pregnancy Decision Line, and our church partners save lives every day. Since 2008 Care Net has saved more than 1,000,000 unborn lives through this life-affirming work.
In 2015, Care Net conducted groundbreaking research into abortion and the church, and we discovered that 2 out of 5 women who had abortions were actively attending church at the time of their first abortion. This means the church funds the abortion industry to the tune of more than $180 million a year. In response to this crisis, Care Net created the first ever curriculum designed to provide churches with a ministry on-ramp for the abortion vulnerable women and men in their congregations as well as post-abortion ministry and healing. Making Life Disciples equips a team of first responders in a church to provide compassion, hope, and help to the women and men in their congregations and communities who are at risk for abortion.

Even when the legal status of abortion changes, there is always a need for faithful men and women to support those facing pregnancy decisions. No court can outlaw unplanned pregnancy. You can be part of a Pro Abundant Life solution to abortion by supporting Care Net.
According to TIME magazine, pregnancy centers are playing an important role in why abortion rates have lowered in recent years: “That would seem to be evidence that the quiet campaign for women’s hearts and minds, conducted in thousands of crisis pregnancy centers around the country, on billboards, phone banks and websites, is having an effect…”

Care Net’s Interactive Timeline
