
Gary Springer

Director of Systems and Technology

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

The ability to connect with the body of the Messiah and encourage others to embrace the fullness of the gospel. My heart is to see generations of disciples who have experienced God’s forgiveness and love who then reproduce that love in real life. God has written a unique story in every person’s life. As I travel, I have the opportunity to witness God’s handiwork and praise Him as I witness lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What is your favorite Bible verse/book/chapter/section? Why?

I find the intimacy expressed in Gen 18:19 to be a source of hope for families and me. Abraham is the father of all who have true faith in the promised Seed (Jesus). The LORD has a conversation in which he expresses why He has chosen (or known) Abraham. As Abraham lived out his life of faith, God would bring into reality all that He promised. The same is true for us!

Who is your favorite fictional character and why?

The fictionalized portrayal of Capt. Von Trapp (from the Sound of Music). He was a military man who had a change of heart. He turned his heart to his children and embraced the life of a father. He listened to the woman who would be his wife and heard her care and concern for his own children. Together they lead them out of a form of slavery to freedom.

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy reading, singing, and writing music, Messianic dance (I have been a dance instructor for most of adult life), tinkering with computers, and retro arcade gaming.