Lansdowne, VA – Care Net’s President and CEO Roland Warren presented the 2021 Guy Condon Presidential Award to LivingWell Medical Clinic, of Grass Valley, CA on August 26, 2021. LivingWell’s CEO, Cathy Seapy accepted the award in person at the Care Net National Conference in San Antonio, TX. 

The Guy Condon Presidential Award is given annually to one Care Net affiliated pregnancy center that stands out for their excellence in reaching at-risk clients, including men; sharing the gospel as God opens doors; fostering an environment where men and women work in unity; and cultivating healthy church partnerships.

“[Kathy’s] clinic has done an amazing job of welcoming men and women, and her commitment to promote healthy marriage is just amazing,” Roland said, before presenting Kathy with the award.

The Guy Condon Presidential Award was first presented in 2013. It is named after Guy M. Condon, who was the president of Care Net when he passed away following a car accident on November 11, 2000 after speaking at a fundraising dinner for Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center in Washington, D.C. The award commemorates Condon’s commitment to the holistic approach to pregnancy center ministry embodied by each year’s winner. 

Watch the full presentation here: