Be careful you are not so desperate for help that you shortcut these four steps to discerning the calling of those willing to help.
While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set Barnabas and Saul apart for me to do the work for which I called them. Acts 13:2
You just had a successful event. The vision for your center was communicated with passion. Passion is contagious and now you have twenty people who “want to do something”.
How do you discern who is really being called? Many will be surprised that you actually have a process and are disappointed when they can’t start the next day. When volunteers are willing to complete the interview process and sign up for training you know they are ready to give you a season of their life. Every one of your team members, board, staff or volunteers will serve for a season. Some seasons are very long which is satisfying to those who trained them and is critical to the success of the mission. Some seasons are very short and this can frustrate those who invest time in training. Be careful you are not so desperate for help that you shortcut steps to discern their calling. Here are four steps to discerning the calling of those willing to help.
1) They willingly acknowledge they are being called…
2) They are willing to sacrifice…
3) They are willing to suffer…
4) They are willing to show compassion…
Linda Cochrane is CEO of Hopeline Pregnancy Resource Center and author of Forgiven and Set Free, a best-selling abortion recovery Bible study.