#Metoo Leads to #Churchtoo

#Metoo Leads to #Churchtoo

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11The #metoo social media movement exposed Hollywood for the sexual abuse and pedophilia that was rampant in the industry. Actors and actresses alike shared...
Encouraging Resilience in Our Clients

Encouraging Resilience in Our Clients

 Do you remember Gumby, the clay cartoon character who first appeared in the 1950s and was reintroduced again in the 80s and 90s? He was flexible and could return to his normal shape after being twisted and stretched. Gumby was resilient! A resilient person is able to...
Who am I? That God Would Use Me

Who am I? That God Would Use Me

Have you ever thought, “God probably only uses people with ______ gifts”? (fill in the blank with gifts you don’t seem to have)My favorite verses in the Bible are found in Psalm 139. The entire chapter is inspiring, but I am going to focus on verses...