by Care Net | Aug 20, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
Care Net has a network of 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers in all fifty states and Canada, staffed by over 30,000 staff and volunteers. We believe that all women have a right to factual pregnancy and parenting information presented in a caring and compassionate...
by Roland C. Warren and Vincent DiCaro | Aug 19, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
In this episode of CareCast, Roland and Vince talk about the new benefits package offered to Avow employees providing a yearly, $3000 abortion stipend. Is Avow essentially paying their employees to not have children? Catch Roland and Vince’s conversation below....
by Care Net | Aug 11, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
Liz* couldn’t forget that day even if she tried. The confusion when she found the pregnancy test in her daughter’s trash can, and her heart stopping when she saw the two lines. When Rebecca* got home from school, her face said it all: shock, embarrassment,...
by Care Net | Aug 11, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
As Pro Abundant Life people, we are painfully aware of the importance of sharing the realities of their unplanned pregnancies and what God says about abortion with moms and dads. However, what happens when a young and unmarried woman who is raised in the church finds...
by Roland C Warren | Aug 11, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
In May, we received news that the Supreme Court decided to hear a case regarding a 2018 Mississippi law deemed to be unconstitutional by lower courts. The law would have made abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy illegal in Mississippi. This is great news! Their...
by Heather Creekmore | Aug 10, 2021 | Abundant Life Blog
There’s nothing quite like the minutes you have to wait after taking a pregnancy test. Time stands still. I remember, more than fifteen years ago now, awkwardly trying to figure out how to interpret the results. Was that really a blue line or should it be...