A Life-Saving Connection

A Life-Saving Connection

You helped get Lexi right where she needed to be to choose LIFE Parenthood comes with its share of challenges. Often joyful and overwhelming at the same time, parenthood is not for the faint at heart!  Lexi* knew this reality very well. She was already struggling to...
In It Together… for LIFE

In It Together… for LIFE

How Sarah Found Courage When She Thought She Was On Her Own When peace of mind is slow to come to parents facing unplanned pregnancies, your generosity gives these frightened expecting parents the confidence they need to choose life for their unborn children. When...
New Life Begins at Conception

New Life Begins at Conception

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made… —Psalm 139:13-14 From a scientific point of view, the moment of conception is awe-inspiring. Dr. William Lile, a board-certified...