by Roland C Warren | Apr 11, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Dr. Parker has performed more than 20,000 abortions “in the name of Jesus.” In this Life Chat, Care Net President and CEO Roland C. Warren explains why Dr. Parker is wrong about his assertion that abortion is compassionate and how the pro abundant life...
by Heather Creekmore | Apr 9, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
My children were watching a Disney Channel show called Bunked the other day. It included all that you’d expect from a show set at a summer camp and aimed at 8-12 year olds: corny jokes, juvenile pranks, a lesson in friendship, and the objectification of...
by Roland C. Warren and Vincent DiCaro | Apr 5, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
In a recent debate, famed abortion provider Dr. Willie Parker argued that abortion was a compassionate response to the unplanned pregnancies of his clients. Care Net President and CEO Roland C. Warren and Chief Outreach Officer Vincent DiCaro discuss why Dr. Parker is...
by Ardee Coolidge | Apr 3, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Last Friday, the movie Unplanned hit theaters. The biopic about Abby Johnson, one of the youngest clinic directors in Planned Parenthood’s history and their former employee of the year, gave viewers a rare glimpse into Planned Parenthood’s operations and...
by Heather Creekmore | Apr 2, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
On March 25, pro-life groups across the country, including Care Net, observed the “Day of the Unborn Child” with the launch of the “Baby Chris” project. The project is a nine-month journey through pregnancy. The figurative “Baby...
by Heather Creekmore | Mar 29, 2019 | Abundant Life Blog
Abby Johnson was once the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic director in the country. But her passion for her work fades after she witnesses an abortion first hand. Unplanned, a courageous new movie, documents Abby’s amazing journey from pro-abortion activist to...