
Andrew Wood

Sr. Executive Director of Church Engagement

What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

My role allows me to work closely with two of the things I love the most…the local church and local pregnancy centers. I have the privilege of seeing God move in a mighty way through both of these vehicles and I consider it an honor to have a front row seat!

What is your favorite Bible verse/book/chapter/section? Why?

This changes from time to time as the Lord convicts and in different seasons of my life. Currently, Matthew 28: 1-10 tops the list. Why? Because the stone was rolled away, Jesus conquered death, and the tomb is empty! That news never gets old. 

Do you have any quirky nightly rituals? 

I drink a cup of coffee at 8pm every single night.

Why are you pro-life? 

I believe God is the author of every life, both in and out of the womb. Every human past, present, and future bears His image. Abortion leaves a devastating wake in its path on men and women. The Gospel compels us to enter into this work as we seek to create a culture in and outside the walls of our churches that would deem abortions unthinkable.

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Tennessee and still call this place home today. Go Vols!!

What is your favorite fictional character and why?

Smoke Jensen…there are a number of westerns depicting Smoke’s love for his family, his ranch, his friends, and his hometown. He is loyal and is a firm believer that right is right and wrong is wrong. I appreciate his bold stance on doing the right thing even when it is difficult.

Who is your pro-life hero or role model?

The folks that answered the call in the 70’s to stand for life and create pregnancy centers.

What is your favorite book (other than the Bible)?

The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown