Ashley* never really paid a whole lot of attention to the abortion debate raging in her state’s politics. She had her whole life in front of her and a cute guy she was dating, and things just seemed to be in a good place. She knew that her boyfriend wasn’t the sort of guy she wanted to build a family with, but he was fun and right now that was enough”¦until she saw the blue line on her pregnancy test. 

In an instant, everything was different. 

How could she be a mother right now? How could he be a father? She’d waited as long as she could to take the pregnancy test and her state had just banned abortions after six weeks. Was it already too late for her to have an abortion? 

What were her options now? 

Desperate for answers, Ashley went online looking for information on abortion. Thanks to your generous giving, she saw an ad for Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL) and spoke with a pro-life coach who seemed to really care about what she was going through. She explained that she’d had a bad experience growing up with an absent father. She didn’t want to give that life to her children. She wanted to have kids, but couldn’t see how that would be possible with the man she was dating at the moment.

As she spoke with the coach, she learned that she could have her pregnancy confirmed at a local pregnancy center. She discovered the resources that were available to her, right there in her own community. These are the life-saving, life-CHANGING connections that you make possible through your support. 

But the most important thing she learned on that call was that Christ was with her. See, her coach found out that she was a believer and they were able to talk about the One who hears her prayers and is ready to help her and her baby… Her heavenly Father who cares for both her and her baby, and won’t forsake either of them.

Please pray with us that, as she seeks Jesus, she will grow in understanding of His abundant grace and will for her and her baby. 

As states pass much needed restrictions on abortion, parents like Ashley, facing an unexpected pregnancy, find themselves desperate for information and help. Pray that they encounter the love and grace available to them through PDL, their local Care Net affiliated pregnancy center, and their local church equipped for pro-life ministry. 

*name changed to protect client confidentiality.