As Christians, we understand the importance of discipleship. Christ’s last words to his disciples, as recorded in Matthew 28:19, were, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations”¦” This Great Commission drives us as followers of Jesus Christ – to be disciples who make disciples.
Moreover, we understand that our drive to make disciples is woven into everything we do to love and serve our neighbors. As we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give water to the thirsty, we see these good works as opportunities to share the Gospel and make disciples. In other words, everything we do as Christians “equals” discipleship because we know that only through discipleship does true and lasting transformation happen.
But do we always think this way?
Do you think of the life issue and the crisis of abortion as a pathway to discipleship?
When you see a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, do you think to yourself, “That woman needs to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, her unborn child needs to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, and the father of her child needs to become a disciple of Jesus Christ”?
“Crisis pregnancies,” just like periods of deep grief or times of financial distress, are opportunities to reach out to people to serve their emotional and material needs, to share Christ’s love and his Good News, and to make disciples for Him. Unfortunately, many of us have stopped at serving their immediate needs or maybe sharing the Good News when someone is considering abortion.
But discipleship – the thing that differentiates us as followers of Jesus Christ – is a long-term process that can’t be done without a committed body of Christians through the Church. That is why Care Net created Making Life Disciples. It equips the local church to become winsomely engaged in the life issue, to compassionately minister to those considering abortion, to build bridges to local pregnancy centers, and to make disciples for Christ.
My hope and prayer is that you will begin to see the abortion crisis as a discipleship issue and you will be inspired to get your own church involved in helping the abortion vulnerable in your community become disciples of Jesus Christ.
I invite you to sign up to bring Making Life Disciples to your church at